Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wake up and smell the coffee

After the 14 mile walk yesterday, I wanted to stay on the suggested training schedule. The 3 day trainers suggest including back to back walks over the weekend. (I think they recommended 10 and 7 miles this week). Today, like most Sundays, I have an open house scheduled and a really long walk simply won't be the cards. But I asked myself, what do I want to do?

Last night when we were cleaning up after a dinner party, I looked at Glenn and
asked him..."Want to walk to the beach tomorrow morning?" Tennessee Beach is a relatively short and easy walk from the parking lot at Tennessee Valley. In the past, I have walked there from our house up on the hill. Knowing this Glenn said "Sure, but from the parking lot!"

I got up early and looked outside. The windows were wet from the fog. Glenn looked out and asked "You want to walk somewhere else? Somewhere sunnier?" But, I didn't. I was relishing the cool breeze on my face. I thought it might be the ideal way to wake up. So off we went...

I don't think I have been on this walk were there weren't dozens of other people with the same idea. I think the foggy morning cut down on the causal walkers or runners. For most of the way, Glenn and I had the path alone, except for bunnies and quail.

The walk reminded me that things that may appear to some to be less than ideal, usually have their own singular beauty that you might never experience unless you look.

I could be wrong, but I believe the half dozen or so eggs we saw on the path were turkey eggs. We have a large population of wild turkeys in the valley (and our neighborhood). Whoever found them have practiced the oldest form of population control. Very likely this could have been a coyote project....

At ever turn we seemed to be disturbing another group of bunnies and quail. Since the path went on for awhile we kept trying to snap a photo. Most of the pictures have the white tail of the bunny and the top knots of the quail in full retreat.

But one brave bunny stayed close enough for us to see the white of his eye.(Or is that red eye from the camera???)

Glenn and I walked the beach when we reached it. Not another soul to interrupt. Despite the fog, there was a warmth in the air.

The beach hardly showed a sign of people having been around, except stacked stones and a lost AW root beer can. The seagulls had thought they might have at least a few more minutes to themselves until we came along. Standing on the beach. I breathed in the clean clear air. The coolness filling me with the optimism we sometimes miss in the middle of our day. It was hard to find a shred of pessimism in this pristine place. What a great way to start your day.

Days like this, are the gift of freedom I have given myself, that I had denied myself not all that long ago. In the past, I would have looked at the fog and said...forget it, lets hang out at home, I'll make pancakes and bacon. Then we would have stayed home until we needed to go to work. I would remain half asleep throughout the day.
Today our walk energized us and filled us with bright anticipation for the day ahead. After a start like this it is hard not to exclaim "Seize the day!"

Now I am getting ready for the week ahead. I am making myself a promise to make an hour here or there for my walks and maybe even yoga. These times help me navigate the stress and demands of selling houses in a less than robust market. It helps me put into perspective the concerns of clients and co-workers. Somehow those times of freedom, make me stronger for the times I am committed to others. I do believe they help make me just a wee bit more sane.

As we move closer to our event, I have to encourage you to send in your RSVPs to Wine Wars. For insurance purposes we need confirmed guests. If you haven't gotten an invitation, just ask and I will send you one. Can you think about a better way to spend a Thursday than sipping wine, listening to great music and fighting breast cancer?! I think not! Email me at

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