Monday, May 4, 2009

Crime and Punishment

I was at a wedding this weekend, in my new "regular" size dress. This was a wedding long time in coming between the brother of our good friend and his bride. Both are in their 50's. This is the first marriage for both. (Starting out to sound like a good day huh?!) New dress, out to a celebration, recovering from the "bug"... and then the phone rings.

My daughter in Denver called to say their home had been broken into. The criminals broke the front door and made off with her jewelry, Her husband's computer (he is being deployed soon), her two clarinets and a long list of other items. The people must have been watching the house, because this was the one day their dog was gone (off to the groomer). I immediately felt like I was as far away as Mars.

When the police arrived they told her that they couldn't get any good prints because they couldn't get a print from the door knob, or any rough surface, only a flat surface that hadn't been touched by them.... Ok, I ask you, does that make any sense to you. What does make sense to me is that budgets have been cut and the resources may not be there to pursue every lead. But this in my mind is a brazen act. To break glass to gain entry, in the middle of a Saturday afternoon, is not a crime of opportunity.

It kills me that all the sentimentality has no real value. A necklace received from a grandparent who is no longer with us, is far more that the value of the gold. It is priceless. To have this sort of violation of your space and security, is beyond unnerving. Especially when in the matter of days your spouse is being sent away.

I am glad Dexter will be there to watch over her. And I am grateful that when she looked through her drawers to count her loses, she found a cap the criminal left behind. She received a call from the Detective that they were going to do some DNA testing on the cap. NOW, if there is anything that comes out of this that is good, it would be to put this low life away. Someone who breaks into a home in the middle of the day, could graduate to more and more aggressive acts.

I was relieved to hear that the National Guard may pay for a security system to be installed in the house. They know going abroad when something like this has happened is a lot to ask of a volunteer.

Life is short. But during our time here there are people and things that come to mean a lot to us for what they represent. When these are taken, it shakes us to the core.

Allison is continuing to train for our walk in October. I only wish I could do something to make her feel as loved and cared for as her support has made me feel.
If you can donate to her and help her reach her goal. In the meantime, say hello to Dexter Dog and hope he can be Denver's newest best security guard.

We are going to see Dexter for Mother's Day. We'll see if he tries and protect Allison from such a scary man!

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