Sunday, June 13, 2010

Post walk/sail party

After hitting the showers, you feel like there is a new lease on life. fully charged, and looking decidedly cooler, Stephanie and I made our way over to the San Francisco Yacht Club for the J-105 annual Summer regatta party. We took separate cars so that we had maximum flexibility. Stephanie was going to have to get one of the guys on the boat back to Pacifica and I had the evening free, so I wanted to play things by ear.
I found the guys and their crew sitting in the middle of the crowd. I asked Glenn how the sail went and I think he responded "We didn't break anything". That's code for... they didn't do all that well. But the party was about the fleet not who won.
This year, they had shanty music accompanying the Mai Tais. "Yo Ho Blow the man down" I guess the Mai Tais helped accomplish that lyric. They were strong. Ken, a young guy 23 or so, had had four of these before he noted that he was supposed to be feeding a dog in Pacifica. Mai Tais can do you forget your responsibilities! Stephanie was a good girl and only had one of those potent concoctions, and she gathered up Ken and took him home.
During the raffle they gave away wench handles and gear bags and other nautical items. Hats from Svensons Boat works were thrown out to the crowd... Glenn grabbed me the last hat. A nice gold one that Dana said matched my hair. Besides the sandals and the jewelry I guess I could have been mistaken for a sailor!
The boat needed to be brought back to Sausalito. I decided to leave my car in Tiburon and motor back with them. The evening was still warm and the views and lighting were magical. How could I just drive home without enjoying this remarkable sunset.

Once we came into view of Sausalito, Mt Tam was silhouetted by the darkening sky. You could see the outline of the sleeping maiden and understand why this Mountain has always been mystical to those who live beneath her. When we got back to the dock, Dana and we decided he should stay at our house. So we got a house guest in addition to the great day.
Its the next day and we are sitting at the table waiting for our dear friend to wake up.
Today won't be nearly as much fun as yesterday. I will be holding a house open, the temperatures have moderated. The breeze is still a little warm and the views should be great from the house. Maybe I will be able to sell this house for the second time with a day like this.... That will make it a GREAT day.
I am looking forward to the next time we can gather with our friends. I am lobbying a sail to a walking destination. That is a win win if ever I heard of one.
PARTY on folks RSVP to Wine Wars!

Anyway you look at it.... it is great to have friends.

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